Keys of Naming: Interview to Víctor Mirabet

No project with medium, long, or even short-term intentions should take the election of their own name hastily. Even though a great part of a brand’s value derives from the quality of its services, a badly chosen name may make a project simply unviable for a number of reasons: legal, perverse or ridiculous translations in other languages, meaning clashes, …

A Naming professional is similar, in that sense, to a Esperanto designer who must find a word that is easily identified with its referent, that can be translated and easily pronounced in other languages, free from legal conflicts, and – if that were not enough – that nobody has thought of before, and with available web domains, and identification for Twitter and other social networks. Simple, right?

But let us allow Mirabet, Managing Partner of NOMBRA, a company with an experience of over 20 years in Naming and Verbal Branding, and responsible for some of the most notorious names in the history of Spanish business, briefly explain the keys of naming in the video header.

His lecture has taken place on October 26th 2011 at the EOI (Escuela de Organización Industrial, twit @eoi) and will in brief be available in recorded streaming. This post’s video is a 4-minute interview carried out after his speech.

Curious readers may find here a personal opinion about the importance of the verbal – Twitter, SEO / SEM, Naming … – in the age of new technologies, which is something to be pleased about.

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