Industrial property: new updated classification of brands in the catalogue of names

The classification of Nice is the catalogue of names or organized system adopted by the majority of countries in the world, which defines, gathers and classifies products (types 1 to 34) and services (types 35 to 45) into 45 different types. The aim is to unify their registers, as well as the defense and opposition of a particular brand in the specific types of interest in which one intends to be distinctive (for example, food 29 and 30, drinks 32 and 33, etc.). It is a precise and effective system of registration and defense of a brand in the related category.

The WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), international organization in charge of their application, has introduced a few minor modifications in some of them lately.

You may look up the WIPO’s latest updated official edition (10th) by clicking here.

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