The importance of knowing how to choose a good name

No name, no brand, and it seems Catalan and Spanish businessmen are not quite creative. Any brand stands out for the concept it represents and the message it transmits. A word must suggest image and sensations. This explains the existence of companies like Nombra, specialized in the process of creating names for companies and products: naming. How to transform language to make an idea come through: from the simplicity of Unno to the naturality of Daura, Damm’s new beer suitable for coeliacs .

Francesc Arquimbau, Executive Manager of Nombra, is optimistic when he looks back into the past and analyses the present. He has closed the year 2009 adding 18 years of good business health, a positive balance, with an increasing demand and good prospects for 2012: “We are pioneers in Spain and leaders in specialization, resources and knowledge of the creative process”. He claims that the “technique” of naming requires market analysis, command of the language, legal knowledge and international projection in order to “find a successful name that can be adapted to all territories, that is why we work with over 85 languages and dialects”.


Collaborators from all over the world have a relevant role due to their knowledge of the local language, but a good command of the expressions, costumes and culture of each country is also necessary to avoid misinterpretations, wrong feelings or maladjustments with the different advertising trends.

In the process of naming, over twenty specialists in marketing, semiology, linguistics, music or literature take part. Besides creativity, “legal saturation is also relevant”, a register that “needs to be known to avoid incompatibility”. Cars, perfumes, cosmetics, food and energy are the main sectors.

Small and medium-sized enterprises have become aware of the importance of building their own name for years. According to Arquimbau, “it is the most basic marketing any company should include and, for small businesses, it is often their only letter of introduction”. Big corporations choose reliability, with “safe options that will have an influence on their commercial relationships”.

Naming does not escape from trends either. Language evolves with society’s culture, modernity and sophistication: “from Pastas Gallo to Bocadelia”. Imagination triumphs.

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